Album Protest Songs - 1924-2012 obsahuje 12 různých coververzí od původních interpretů The Staple Singers, Boba Marleyho, Leonarda Cohena, Franka Zappy a dalších.
Obsah alba: 1. Freedom Highway - The Specials 2. Everybody Knows - The Specials 3. I Don t Mind Failing in This World - The Specials 4. Black Brown and White - The Specials 5. Ain t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Us Around - The Specials 6. Fuck All the Perfect People - The Specials 7. My Next Door Neighbour - The Specials 8. Trouble Every Day - The Specials 9. Listening Wind - The Specials 10. Soldiers Who Want to Be Heroes - The Specials 11. I Live in a City - The Specials 12. Get Up Stand Up - The Specials