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Havel: A Life - książka

Havel: A Life

Autor:Michael Žantovský
Liczba stron:560
Rok wydania:2015

cena: 103.49


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Vaclav Havel: iconoclast and philosopher king, an internationally successful playwright who became a political dissident and then, reluctantly, a president. His pivotal role in the Velvet Revolution and the modern Czech Republic makes him a key figure of the twentieth century. Michael Zantovsky was one of Havels closest confidants. They lived through the revolution and during Havels first presidency. Zantovsky was his press secretary, speech writer and translator. Their friendship endured until Havels death in 2011, making him a rare witness to this most extraordinary life.

About the author

Michael Zantovský is the current Czech Ambassador to the Court of St James. He was among the founding members of the movement that coordinated the overthrow of the communist regime. In January 1990 he became the spokesman, press secretary and advisor to his lifelong friend, President Václav Havel. He has combined a career in politics and the foreign service with work as an author and translator into Czech of many contemporary British and American writers.