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Amerika: The Missing Person - książka

Amerika: The Missing Person

Autor:Franz Kafka

cena: 68.82


dostępność: tak
wysyłka: ok 3 tygodnie

From the author of The Metamorphosis and The Trial and one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century, his first--and funniest--novel. Amerika tells the story of the young Karl Rossmann who, after an incident involving a housemaid, is banished by his parents to America. Expected to redeem himself in this magical land of opportunity, young Karl is swept up instead in a whirlwind of dizzying reversals, strange escapades, and picaresque adventures. Kafka began writing what he had entitled Der Verschollene (The Missing Person) in 1912 and wrote the last completed chapter in 1914. But it wasnt until 1927, three years after his death, that Max Brod, Kafkas friend and literary executor, edited the unfinished manuscript and published it as Amerika. Review We are not too far wrong to see in Karl Rossmann the explorer who maps the internal territory for the later Kafka hero Joseph K. of The Trial. It is a natural segue, after all, from the youth who lives to placate to the adult with the inescapable sense of guilt. In fact, we could propose Kafka as an artist in a lifelong search of the most accommodating conceit for his vision. Karl is the earliest of his eponymous heroes, all of them essentially one tormented soul whose hallucinatory landscape keeps changing. --E. L. Doctorow More than eighty years after his death from tuberculosis at age forty, Kafka continues to defy simplifications, to force us to consider him anew. Thats the effect of Mark Harmans new translation of Amerika. --Los Angeles Times